Integrative Health Coaching

How does Integrative Health Coaching work?

Health Coaching isn't a one size fits all program. My health coaching programs are geared towards the clients individual needs. Whichever program YOU fit into, you will get accountability, education and knowledge that will help empower you to SUCCEED in your goals and on your health journey!

How does Group Health Coaching work?

Group Health Coaching works great in smaller groups of friends, co-workers, families and even businesses. During group coaching you will not only receive knowledge and education on becoming a better version of yourself, but also accountability to reach your specific goals. Group coaching can be done in-person, on-site at schools or businesses and Virtual. Contact me directly to learn more.

How do I get started?

Contact me to schedule your FREE health history consultation!

Health Coaching Rates

Health Coaching isn’t a one size fits all program. My Health Coaching program is customized towards the clients’ individual needs.

Four Month Health Coaching Program

Program consists of:
— Eight 50-minute education sessions (in person or virtual)
— Materials and handouts that align with weekly topics
— Individualized weekly goals
— Overview email recap after every session

Month to Month Pricing
$560 Total | $140 Monthly

Pay Upfront
$490 Total | $70 Savings

In Person or Virtual — Four Month Program

Note: Alternate Programs may be recommended upon initial evaluation